
Jeremy H. Griffith jeremy at omsys.com
Tue Apr 25 11:24:14 PDT 2006

On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:01:44 +0000, obair81 at comcast.net 

>I am told that mif2go can really duplicate the look of 
>a frame doc, 

Yes, it can.

>but I am missing some details.
>I am told that in the mif2go setup there is somewhere 
>where one can pick a frame file that acts as a template 
>for the frame to word conversion. I cannot find where 
>this option is.

It's the entire right-hand half of the Set up dialog...
you select the file at the top, and check boxes for the
properties you want to import from it.  The import is
done in a way that does *not* affect the original .fm 
file; only the .mif used for conversion is modified.
For Word output, you mostly need to adjust master pages,
as detailed in the User's Guide, par. 2.3, "Importing 
formats from a conversion template".

>Also, he said that somewhere in the mif2rtf.ini I should 
>put gif=bmp and jpg=bmp because I have some GIFs and JPGs 
>referenced in my frame doc, because BMPs turn out better 
>in the conversion.

If you are going to Word, which we presume is the case
here, Mif2Go can embed .bmps into .wmfs and put them
in Word scaled exactly as in FrameMaker.  But for other
formats, we have to let Word embed them itself, in which
case we cannot specify scaling.  That's what "better"
means here, as explained in par. 5.16.1, "Understanding 
graphics requirements for Word".  The setting you mention
is described in par., "Converting referenced 
graphics before Mif2Go (best quality)", and other places.

>Can anyone comment on these questions?

The 800+-page User's Guide is your friend... If you
don't care for the WinHelp version that ships with the
distribution, take your choice of others from:
All are made with Mif2Go; pick from: HTML Help, HTML,
XHTML, JavaHelp, Oracle Help for Java, PDF, our own
cross-platform OmniHelp (my personal favorite), Word
RTF, and Frame 7.0 itself (with all .ini files, to
use as examples).


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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