CMYK Images in Frame

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Thu Aug 24 09:04:24 PDT 2006

At 11:04 -0400 24/8/06, eric.dunn at wrote:

>Another tangent: Were either the Illustrator or FrameMaker displayed colours IDENTICAL to the printed output?

No, but the Illustrator color was a lot more identical than the FrameMaker color, which was way, way off.

>I suspect both were "incorrect" in some regard. It's only the final deliverable colour that's important.

Sure, of course. All on-screen colors are merely an attempt to get close to the final output color.

> And that's completely dependent on the device producing the output (except for the unfortunate content that gets mangled by the OS between colour spaces before output).

Output for this job is a bridge yet to be crossed ;-)

>Analogy: The only important factor is the colour of the paint when it
>dries. NOT the colour when it's in the can, or still wet on the wall. I'll
>admit it is worrying painting cabinets a shockingly bright pink. But they
>dried to the nice dark red we were looking for.

This is a relevant analogy, as I'm currently redecorating my house. As I stick to various tones of insipid, I'm usually safe. Unlike the next-door neighbor of a friend, who painted the outside of his house a violent green by accident. As a surprise for his wife. Boy was she surprised.

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