Displaying a Portion of an Attribute Value

Daniel Emory danemory7224 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 22 11:20:03 PST 2006

--- Catudal & Rousseau <catrou at videotron.ca> wrote:
> I would like to display a portion of an element's
> REFLOC value, for example,
> this element with attribute values 
to be displayed Wiring Manual Chapter 20
so I would like to display the numerical value of the
REFLOC attribute with a prefix.
I take it that the REFEXT attribute is intended to
produce a hypertexted link to Chapter 20 of the wiring
diagram manual, or something like that, and the sole
piece of the REFEXT attribute you wish to extract is
the number 20, and then prefix that number with the
words "Wiring Diagram Chapter". This would require
that each REFLOC attribute be processed to find and
delete the string: 
<REFMAN = "WM" REFLOC = WM>, and replace that string
with "Wiring Manual Chapter" followed by the remaining
part of the attribute, which is the chapter number.

Certainly, this cannot be done using FrameMaker
read/write rules. So, you'd have to develop an
application using the FDK or FrameScript (or something
similar). Presumably, you'd have to signify, in some
unique manner, the location within the text where you
want the derived reference text to appear. The FDK or
FrameScrip application would recognize that text
location, process the REFMAN attribute in the current
element, and replace the text position locator with
the derived reference text.

If all of the chapter references you want to produce
are in the Wiring Manual, then only one such
application would have to be developed. 

But if you also want to process the REFMAN atttribute
to produce a similar result for references to other
manuals, you'd have to develop a separate application
for each type.

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