Importing Graphics from XML

Laura Sponhour lsponhou at
Thu Feb 2 07:08:56 PST 2006

Hi, everybody.

I cannot get a .JPG to import from XML into Frame.

Here's the background:

My database administrator pulls a data model from a data dictionary, and in
some magic way translates it into XML. Included in the XML is a reference
to a .JPG for the model's entity relationship diagram.

With help from this list, I have successfully imported everything but that
crummy ERD.

FM's Structure Application Developer's Guide states "If your DTD uses the
default graphic and equation declarations described in the preceding
sections, the only rule you need is one to identify the element as a
graphic or equation."

In fact, the DTD (which was created by saving the EDD as a DTD) DOES use
the default declarations described. That is, it declares our ERDJpg element
as an empty element.

I added a rule stating that element "ERDJpg" is fm graphic element;

And still only the name of the graphic imports. Not an anchored frame. Not

I have tried declaring the DTD (which I thought the Structured App file
took care of on imports), but then I just get a bunch of "No character data
is allowed by content model" errors and still no graphic.

Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong? I'm just about ready to
import the .JPGs manually once the FM imports the text.

I've included specifics about the files below.

Thank you!

Laura Sponhour
Lead Technical Writer
Exceed Documentation
Computer Sciences Corporation

Here is what the top part of the XML file looks like now:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE DataModel SYSTEM "ExceedDM.dtd">
<ERDName>Policy Contract</ERDName>
<EntityAliasNameLiteral>Alias Name</EntityAliasNameLiteral>
<EntityAliasName>Agents ID for Insured </EntityAliasName>

Here is what the rules document looks like:

fm version is "7.1";

#include ""
/* Rules for line breaks in data model specific elements. */
element "BR" reader line break is forced return;
element "AttributeNote" reader line break is space;
element "EntityNote" reader line break is space;

element "ERDJpg" is fm graphic element;

And here is what the applicable section in the DTD looks like:

<!ELEMENT ERD        (ERDName?) >

<!ATTLIST ERDJpg     entity    ENTITY    #IMPLIED
                     file      CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     dpi       NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     rasterdpi  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     alt       CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     impsize   CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     impby     (ref|copy)  #IMPLIED
                     sideways  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     impang    CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     xoffset   CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     yoffset   CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     position  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     align     NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     cropped   NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     float     NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
                     width     CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     height    CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     angle     CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     bloffset  CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     nsoffset  CDATA     #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT ERDName    (ERDJpg?) >

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