Syntax for if/then statement

Beck, Charles Charles.Beck at
Thu Jun 29 11:00:47 PDT 2006

Hi Tammy, 

Bad news: At least one major style guide and my own experience are on
your new editor's side on this one. In fact, the _Microsoft Manual of
Style for Technical Publications, Third Edition_ takes it even further:
That style guide states that you should avoid the "if...then"
construction altogether and not use the word "then" at all in such
situations. That is, you should simply say something like "If
such-and-such is true, do this." 

This has also been the policy/practice with my past and present
employers and clients. I formerly also used "if...then" constructions
almost exclusively, so it was a challenge for me to adhere to this
standard when I first encountered it. But after thinking it through, I
eventually agreed that it is cleaner and more succinct. 

However, YMMV. In the end, it may come down to what your
company/organization decides to use as the standard. If that is the
case, it will come down to a question of who has the final authority to
make such decisions on behalf of the organization. Hopefully, that will
not be done willy-nilly, with no regard for the preferences of all
parties involved; but in the end, if you all just cannot agree,
*some*one has to be the final arbiter. If that is not you, you may have
to just be prepared to bite the bullet and go along with it.

Somewhat ironically, the only people who care passionately enough about
such matters to discuss, debate, and defend them vehemently and
endlessly are the documentation folks, typically. Our readers could
probably not care less.

Chuck Beck

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at] On
Behalf Of Tammy.VanBoening at
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:22 PM
To: framers at
Subject: OT: Syntax for if/then statement


I am hoping the fellow writers on this list can provide some information
for this request. Another writer here at Jeppesen and I have always used
the following syntax for a conditional/causal statement: If <blah,
blah>, then <blah, blah>. We have a new editor that just joined who is
in the process of defining our styles and standards. Obviously, everyone
has an opinion about what is "right" and what is "wrong" in editing . .
.in many cases,  it's so subjective. That said, when we have our
editorial meetings about defining our styles and standards, you need to
be prepared with some factual support for a certain type of style or
standard - not just the emotional "because we've always done it this
way." Years ago, I had such a reference for writing if/then statements
this way - I don't remember which manual I referenced. Our new editor
wants to add the word "and" to such statements - if <blah, blah>, AND
then <blah, blah>. Both I and the other writer disagree with the editor
on this one - it should be just if/then - no "and." I have tried for the
life of me to find a documentation reference that would support this
syntax (something like Sun's Read Me First guide, etc), and although I
know I had one in the past, I can't find it now. Googling only leads me
to programming references - the thin thread here would be since we are
writing software documentation, if/then, would make sense, since that's
where the  if/then statement syntax was developed, but. . . . 

Any and all references/advice would be much appreciated.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at

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