OT: Syntax for if/then statement

eric.dunn at ca.transport.bombardier.com eric.dunn at ca.transport.bombardier.com
Thu Jun 29 11:04:05 PDT 2006

Steve Rickaby wrote on 06/29/2006 01:47:56 PM:
> If/then and If/then/else or If/then/eiseif/else have been the 
> constructs in any programming language that I can remember working 
> in.

While I won't argue with the underlying point Steve's logic with respect 
to the addition of an AND clause to the sentence, I will pit nits and 
throw another view point into the mix.

Firstly, logically speaking, isn't there a difference between:
- If A, and then B
- If A and B

The first implies a wait or sequence between events A and B. It does not 
imply that the events are simultaneous nor that they need to be 
maintained. If A happens, stops, then six months later B happens, the 
first statement is true. The second statement is true only while both 
events are happening (and they could start in any order).

Secondly, Why does the sentence even contain "then" in the first place? 
(You don't even include THEN in If statements in many languages.)

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