Lurking fonts: for info

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Wed Mar 22 11:37:10 PST 2006

Hi Framers

I am batting with a font-sub problem. I am trying to weed out all instances of specific fonts from a set of files. No matter how much I search for the fonts that FrameMaker reports are 'missing' when I open the file, I cannot find them, either on body pages, master pages or reference pages.

I was about to ask if anyone could suggest where else 'missing' fonts might be lurking. However, I've just answered my own question by saving the files to MIF and searching with a text editor; they were all in what seem to be table format definitions, even though the 'missing' fonts did not occur in instances of those tables in the text.

Can anyone shed any light on what's going on here, and suggest a solution? Although the missing fonts are still coded in the file, there doesn't seem to be any way of 'getting at' them to fix them. If I save out the table formats, and only the table formats, to a separate file, that file does not give 'missing font' messages.

Here's an example of a MIF fragment with a bad font name:

  <TblID 49>
  <TblTag `Objectives'>
    <TblColumnNum 0>
    <TblColumnWidth  32.0 pc>
     <PgfTag `Objectives'>
       <FTag `'>
       <FPlatformName `M.Frutiger 55 Roman.P'>
       <FFamily `Frutiger'>
       <FVar `Regular'>
       <FWeight `Roman'>
       <FAngle `Regular'>
       <FPostScriptName `Frutiger-Roman'> ... (etc)

It's the 'Frutiger-Roman' that is triggering the missing font error (amongst several others).


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