I Object to sites which demand registration before exposing pricing

Daniel Emory danemory7224 at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 11 10:22:08 PDT 2006

Yeserday, Siberlogic sent to the lists an announcement
of a new CMS product that integrates FrameMaker. I was
acutely interested. The details of the product seemed
a bit light, but I proceeded anyway to look at the
pricing, which, often, gives you a handle on the scope
and breadth of a product. But, to see the pricing, I
was required to fill out a registration form, which I
refused to do for the obvious danger that the
information I provided would be used in ways I would
not countenance

I got an email back from Siberlogic inviting me to
complete the registration form, which means they had
captured my email address. I replied by demanding that
they remove my email address from their database. 

Siberlogic complied, and explained that they require
registration because of experiences in the past with
competitors. That seems pretty lame to me because,
obviously, any competitor could easily disguise a
pricing probe.

Those of you who also object to a requirement for
providing personal and job-related information before
being allowed to look at product pricing might be
interested in joining an effort to stop this practice.

Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
<danemory7224 at sbcglobal.net>

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