XSLT and DocType declaration

Alan Houser arh at groupwellesley.com
Wed May 17 06:24:01 PDT 2006


The XSLT processor reads the DTD and creates an internal representation 
of the document tree, including entity references. You should be able to 
access these entities via the XSLT unparsed-entity-uri() function. For 
example, the following fragment should populate an XSLT variable with 
the pathname to the original graphic --

<xsl:variable name="target" 
select="unparsed-entity-uri(ImportedGraphic1)" />

I haven't tested this, but you may need to convert these entity 
references to attribute values  (e.g. <graphic href="{$target}" /> ) in 
your import XSLT transform.

It is Very Annoying that XSLT/XPath does not provide a handle to the 
original DocType declaration, but this is an XSLT issue, not a 
FrameMaker issue.


Wim Hooghwinkel (Scriptware) wrote:
> We try to use an XSLT on import of XML (FM 7.2).
> Now the XSLT removes the DocType declaration from the XML file. We can reset the DocType itself, but how can we resolve the Document Specific Declarations, like: 
> <!ENTITY ImportedGraphic1 SYSTEM "../eps/02010200-1PV4-0000Ea.eps" NDATA epsi>
> As these are 'in' the DocType element they disappear after transformation. 
> thanks,
Alan Houser, President
Group Wellesley, Inc.

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