Missing font in FM although it shows fine in Word?

Rene Stephenson rinnie1 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 1 09:57:38 PST 2006


Thanks for the insight! Yes, we do have Minion Pro. I've prowled through the maker.ini, and I'm wondering if the line I need to add would be in 
[UnknownToKnownFontMap] as:

Minion Web, *, *, *=Minion Pro, *, *, *

Thanks a mil!

"Combs, Richard" <richard.combs at Polycom.com> wrote:Word simulates the bold italic (by overlaying a slightly offset second
copy of the italic glyphs). Some people find the results tolerable,
others become slightly nauseated. OK, maybe I exaggerate... In any case,
FM is far too prim and proper for such ugly fakery. ;-)  


The Minion Pro family has both bold and semibold italic faces. Minion
Web is based on that, just optimized for on-line use -- thicker serifs
and some line weights. A boldface would benefit less from such
optimization (which may explain why it's not included), so you should be
able to use one of the Minion Pro faces just fine. You may even be able
to map it in maker.ini (if you're on Windows) so that your existing char
format works. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

Rene L. Stephenson
eNovative Solutions, Inc.
Business Phone: 678-513-0051
Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com

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