Master pages and round tripping

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Thu Nov 30 02:33:27 PST 2006

I have a question regarding the handling of master pages when FrameMaker book components are round-tripped.

If a book contains several document types (Preface, Chapter and so on), the master pages can be applied as appropriate using master page mapping tables. Thus different document types can contain different sets of master pages and corresponding different master page mapping tables.

When setting up a structured application, each structured application can only use (as I currently understand it) a single EDD and template. This mechanism therefore does not seem to allow for different master pages and mapping table sets per document type, and the only workarounds would be:

. [Good] To ensure that all document types in a book contain the same superset of master pages and the same master (universal) page mapping table.

. [Cumbersome] To construct separate struct apps for each document type.

Am I correct, or are there mechanisms that can be used to find another way?


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