FrameMaker converting quotes in text import: SOLVED

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Wed Sep 27 07:19:36 PDT 2006

At 12:18 +0100 27/9/06, Steve Rickaby wrote:

>I am using text imports of ASCII files in a book. These are source code examples, and contain straight quotes. When imported in FrameMaker on PC, the quotes remain straight. When I import the same files on Mac, the quotes become 'curly' typographer-style quotes, which is unacceptable. I have no idea why this is happening. I've played around with the settings for text import, but nothing seems to fix the problem.

Niels is not the only one going 'Duh!' today. Paul Presley has pointed out that the above problem is caused merely by the setting of the quotes toggle in the document's Text Options properties.

That was not what I expected at all, and I'm not sure if it should not be considered a bug - or at least a deficiency - of FrameMaker. When importing a FrameMaker document, FrameMaker gives you the option of controlling how the local document's formatting should affect the insert, but there's no such control for ASCII inserts that I can see. Imho there should be something that says 'Don't mess with the source file'.


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