A comment on upgrading and support Was: Frame's future

Bill Briggs web at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Feb 25 13:49:48 PST 2007

At 1:25 PM -0800 2/25/07, Denise L. Moss-Fritch wrote:
>Currently our products are tested and approved for XP, however that operating system is becoming harder and harder to obtain. Some of our customers have reported they have been unable to obtain computers with XP. Certainly by later this year we will need to have our products tested for Vista. Just how different the software interface will become, what process flows will change, and what will become of our online help files has yet to be determined. Certainly during the development phase for our next release, development, QA, and tech pubs will all be operating with Vista so we would be using FrameMaker on computers running Vista.

 Sounds like you should be thankful that MS takes 5+ years between OS releases.

 - web

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