Updating chapter numbers

Robert.Werner at appsense.com Robert.Werner at appsense.com
Thu Jan 18 03:18:54 PST 2007


Using Frame 7.2

Can two occurrences of the same chapter styles be used in a single file
within a book and update correctly?
The style uses the <$chapnum> value but does not increment when there
are two occurences in the same file. Other styles used in a document
with numbering which inherit the $chapnum value from the chapter style
also do not update correctly.

I have scoured the Framemaker documentation for an indication of what
the answer might be without success.

If more than one occurrence of the chapter style cannot be used in the
same frame file and correctly increment with the expected results in the
numbering of other styles which inherit the chapnum value, such as
captions, I would like to understand why this is the case so that I can
explain this to interested parties here at my workplace.

Thanks in advance


Robert Werner
Technical Author 

3200 Daresbury Park
Email: robert.werner at appsense.com
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