Entry Level Technical Writer - Contract - Moorpark, CA

Rene Stephenson rinnie1 at yahoo.com
Tue May 15 12:40:06 PDT 2007

I have had secretaries apply for tech writer openings in my group. Internal candidates always get phone screening, so I'd have to call them. I always asked what they felt were their qualifications, and they all responded that they had "good English" and were experts with MS Word. They wrote lots of corresondence and updated their draft letters with the "edits" from their bosses, so they "knew" how to handle document review. We had to start posting BA or higher in English or directly relevant field as a minimal requirement with no "equivalency" allowed.

Keith Smyth <smythkl_1 at express56.com> wrote:
  As in "So easy a Caveman could do it"?

I am sure all of us have had the experience of someone totally clueless
thinking all we do is type. Had a gal at one of our square dances from
our church in 1983 tell me that while she is a store clerk, she is going to
become a tech writer, "because if you can do it, anyone can do it".

And she went to an interview. Never heard from her again. 

>You think that's insulting? When we had a req open for another tech
>writer in January, we had people from our shipping department and the
>warehouse coming to us and asking us if they could apply for the job. As
>if Tech Writing was so easy, someone with shipping or warehouse
>experience could do it.
>Thank you,
> -Gillian

Keith L. Smyth
Smyth Consulting
Religion was in charge during the dark ages.
Technical Documentation Consultant


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Rene L. Stephenson
eNovative Solutions, Inc.
Business Phone: 678-513-0051
Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com

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