How would you organize these documents?

Sw D swd12422 at
Thu Oct 18 15:43:38 PDT 2007

Hi, everyone-

I am using unstructured FM 7.2 (Windows) to maintain the documentation set for a suite of software products. We have several different customers who each receive a different subset of modules, depending on their business needs. Each module can be customized for each client, so that a client that gets Module A might receive different functionality than another client.

In short, each customer receives its "own" version of the software. IOW, Customer 1 gets Software Suite v. 5.6 that includes Module A, C, and E. Customer 2 gets Software Suite v. 5.7 that includes Module A, B, and D. BUT the Module A that Customer 1 gets might be different than the Module A that Customer 2 gets.

I started out documenting the "out of the box" settings in the user guides, and then thought I'd just put the differences for each customer into customized Release Notes. However, new customers don't receive any release notes, and isn't it incorrect to send a customer a book describing the functionality and features of Module A when they might not be able to see/use everything documented therein?

How would you maintain these files? Conditional text? Separate books? I'm not sure where to begin here.

Thanks in advance

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