PDF to PDF Links on Linux

jdeland1 at comcast.net jdeland1 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 16 12:46:09 PST 2008


I just joined, have only used FM for 9 months, and have been around and around this issue with Adobe.  We want to distribute our PDFs to Linux, Windows, and Unix.  They work as shown below on Windows 32-bit and -64 bit versions of XP and Vista Business. 

I am using gotolink [folder name]/myotherfile.fm:[linkname], but gotolink [folder name]/myotherfile.pdf:[linkname] works more often than the fm extension does.  Here is my "test script": 

link one = gotolink ./genh_toc.fm:one (OK on Windows, FAIL on Linux) 
link two = gotolink genh_toc.fm:one (OK on Windows, FAIL on Linux) 
link three = gotolink ./genh_toc.pdf:one (OK on Windows, FAIL on Linux) 
link four = gotolink genh_toc.pdf:one (OK on Windows, PASS on Linux) 
link five = openlink genh_toc.pdf:firstpage (OK on Windows, PASS on Linux) 
link six = openlink genh_toc.pdf:1 (OK on Windows, FAIL on Linux) 
link seven = openlink ./genh_toc.pdf:firstpage (OK on Windows, FAIL on Linux) 
link eight = openlink genh_toc.fm:1 (OK on Windows, FAIL on Linux) 

I am not using a relative path, because the PDFs are all in the same directory.  I have tried the relative path on Linux with ".\" but it made no difference on our test machine. 

And of course I have a deadline that's approaching fast. 


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