future of FrameMaker

Austin Meredith Ashley_Meredith at brown.edu
Fri Feb 15 01:42:46 PST 2008

Dov wrote:
>On behalf of Adobe Systems Incorporated,
>let me assure you that FrameMaker remains under active development.
>A next major version is currently being developed.

Why ever would Adobe abandon FrameMaker? This is not just a 
techwriter tool we're dealing with here, folks. A soon as Adobe adds 
an internet browser to the sweet suite, and parses its boolian search 
logic, and roundtrips full wysiwyg XHTML generation, they will have 
created the one-package solution to everything that is going on in 
cyberspace! Nobody else is anywhere near this close to that 
one-package solution. They're poised to be masters of the known 
universe. MSWord doesn't have the ghost of a chance of pulling off 
some grand integration like this. FrameMaker will become the killer 
app. We'll eventually have one tool in which we can create and 
maintain web content, and then go browsing. But this is going to take 
a little faith.

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