XMetal vs Structured Frame

Flato, Gillian gflato at nanometrics.com
Fri Feb 22 15:01:46 PST 2008

I am currently taking a DITA class and we're using a free trial copy of
XMetal for the class. If any of you have experience in both XMetal and
Structured Frame, can you tell me how they compare and which one you
like better?

Thank you,


<mailto:gflato at nanometrics.com> 

Gillian Flato

Technical Writer (Software)


1550 Buckeye Dr. 

Milpitas, CA. 95035


7  408.232.5911

* gflato at nanometrics <mailto:gflato at nanometrics.com> .com
<blocked::mailto:v at nanometrics.com> 


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