Moving from FrameMaker to Flare webinar

sharon at sharon at
Mon Jun 23 12:27:12 PDT 2008

****Vendor post****

We?ve been overwhelmed by requests for a webinar to help you move out  
of FrameMaker and into Flare. You asked for it, so we?re giving it to  

MadCap Software is presenting a new 1 hour webinar called ?Importing  
FrameMaker files into Flare?. Learn Best Practices and discover what  
you need to be most effective as you move into the future with Flare.  
This webinar covers each step of the FrameMaker to Flare import process:

?	what to select
?	why to select it
?	how these selections impact you when you?re done

Given by FrameMaker expert Sharon Burton, product manager at MadCap  
Software, this webinar covers real world issues to help you get the  
results you want.

We have 2 webinars scheduled for July and will add more when these  
fill up. Go to  
Scroll down to the Moving from FrameMaker to Flare area. Click the  
demo for July 9th at 9am Pacific or the demo July 17th at 12pm Pacific.

The webinars are limited to the first 25 people who sign up for each.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
sburton at
IM: sharonvburton at

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