Framemaker generates invalid XML from valid document

Adam Schweitzer adam.schweitzer at
Fri Oct 3 05:14:44 PDT 2008

This error has been popping up occasionally when saving as XML since we
moved to Framemaker 8 (note that saving the same document using Frame
7.2 does not generate an error):
XML Parser Messages (Document Prolog)
Message Invalid character (Unicode: 0x11)
Message: Expected a literal entity value or PUBLIC/SYSTEM identifier
The offending line in the XML file is as follows:
<!ENTITY fm.tsht "<non-printable character>" >
This appears to be caused by having a table sheet variable on a table
which fits on a single page (and hence the text "sheet x of y" does not
appear in Frame).  A workaround is to delete this table sheet variable,
but this is not an optimal solution.
Any ideas on how I could fix this?  Or is this a bug which Adobe needs
to fix?
Adam Schweitzer
Orenda Aerospace Corporation

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