Reference graphic to Character format

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Fri Sep 12 15:00:10 PDT 2008

Robert Rogge wrote:
> Is there any kind of plugin (or some other solution I don´t know about)
> that
> would allow me to map a graphic from a reference page to a character
> format????
> What I would like to do is be able to select some text, apply the character
> format, and have a small inline graphic show up there.

I missed this or spaced it out until Matt's reply. 

You need Auto-Text from Silicon Prarie ( Here's a brief description: 

"Auto-Text is a FrameMaker plug-in that allows you to define a set of text or graphic items and easily insert them into any FrameMaker document just by making a menu selection or pressing a key sequence. It's like using items from a document's reference page, only easier! Items that you can use as Auto-Text include styled text, plain text, graphics, anchored frames, and tables."

It's just $10. Worth many times that. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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