InDesign as a replacement for Framemaker

Jeremy H. Griffith jeremy at
Fri Sep 12 20:33:26 PDT 2008

On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:46:29 -0700, Dov Isaacs <isaacs at> wrote:

>I hardly see how your request is related to "natural
>justice" any more or less than a request to also allow simultaneous
>activation of the same license of FrameMaker on computers used by other
>members of your family.


Really, Dov?  The first complies with the spirit, if not
the letter, of the EULA.  The second is an obvious violation.
No difference???  Unbelievable.  And just how many other
*family members* are going to use Frame, for God's sake?

Mif2Go has a very effective system of license control;
it's called the "Honor System".  It works.  It's the only
method we could find that does not interfere with usage
by our licensed customers.  We trust you.

Impractical, you say?  Wake up!  Pirates can break *any*
system you use in less than an hour.  And broken copies
of Adobe apps are available all over the Web; we must
get fifty spams a day offering them.  So the only folks
your anti-piracy measures affect are your *honest* users.

You might think that with such an arrangement, people
would never buy a second license in the same company.
Why would they, if all they had to do was copy from their
colleague?  Guess what; it doesn't happen.  We have more
license purchases for *additional* copies than for singles.
If you treat people as honest, they *are*.  If you treat
them like criminals, well... you say more about yourself
than about them.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at>

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