autonumbering in framemaker tables

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Thu Dec 3 07:38:58 PST 2009

Surbhi Singhal wrote:

> Is there a way to insert autonumbering in a column of the table, so
that i
> donot have to type in the serial number manually.

For the benefit of those who'd like to do this without using Excel, it's
easy. FM remembers the pgf formats in the first body, heading, and
footing rows as the "defaults" for that table format. So just create a
new table format -- say, NumberedRows. On the Basic tab of Table
Designer, make sure Numbering is set to Column First. 

In the first column of the first body row of the table, change the pgf
to the autonumbered pgf format you want to use. With the insertion point
still in the table, in Table Designer, click Update All. 

Each time you create a new NumberedRows table, the first column of each
body row will automatically contain the autonumbered pgf. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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