Disappearing anchored frames: strange FrameMaker bug

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk
Mon Dec 7 02:30:48 PST 2009

At 01:12 -0800 7/12/09, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

> >I cannot do that at this stage from the Word sources, as
>>the book has been heavily edited (and typeset). Would
>>cutting and pasting from the FrameMaker document into a
>>clean new FrameMaker document and reformatting work?
>Yes.  It doesn't matter where you get the plain text from. I'd suggest if you go that way, use Frame to convert all your tables to text first; then on the other end, convert back to tables.  That should minimize the pain for them.

I'll give it a try, certainly. Pasting as plain text would lose index markers, though.

>You might want to try it on a page or two first, to get a feel for how much work is involved.  If it's a lot, well, Rick Quattro develops plugins for such tasks at reasonable cost...  but it may be less trouble than it sounds like. Worst case, if it doesn't help, you'll know for sure that it's a Frame bug.

Thanks. FrameScript is something I've not tried, and as I'm currently (although at this rate, not for long) on Macintosh, it's not a route that is open to me.


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