X-refs working differently in FM 7.2 vs. FM 9?

Spectrum Writing info at spectrumwritingllc.com
Tue Dec 22 08:57:37 PST 2009



I have a template that  I created in FM7.2  In this template, I have a
paragraph tag called "StepNumberBegin" that has the following autonumber
format: S:<n=1>.\t and a paragraph tag called StepNumberContinued that has
the following autonumber format: S:<n+>.\t 


I also have the following x-ref formats:

·          Step  which is formatted as <Link>Step <$paranumonly><Default ¶

·         Step.  which is formatted as <Link>Step <$paranumonly>.<Default ¶


Note that the ONLY difference between these two is the period. When I used
these formats in FM7.2, and set up an x-ref to a Step paragraph, as
expected, the automatic period after the numbering was either not included
or included depending on the x-ref format that I selected and I have
confirmed this by repeatedly testing in FM 7.2 - i.e.,


I get Step 1 Step 2 and so on if I use the Step x-ref format.

I get Step 1.  Step 2.  and so on if I use the Step. x-ref format.


In FM9 (all patched and updated), I decided to clean up the template and use
less tags and I now have a single tag called StepNumber that has the
autonumber format set to the following: N:< ><n+>.\t < =0>  (This allows the
numbering to be automatically reset to "1" after a heading and
auto-increment correctly and the headings are set with the correct
autonumber formats to allow for this.)


However, when I use this these formats in FM9.0, and set up an x-ref to a
StepNumber paragraph, no matter which x-ref format that I use - I get the
period after the number if I use the Step x-ref format and I get a double
period if I use the Step. format - i.e.,


I get Step 1. if I use the Step x-ref format.

I get Step 1.. if I use the Step. x-ref format.


What am I missing here? The only difference is that I am having the
numbering be reset after a heading, but the format still is basically one
that has a period in it after the counter,  just like in FM7.2 and I am
specifying whether or not to include the period after the counter. 









Tammy Van Boening


Spectrum Writing, LLC


info at spectrumwritingllc.com


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