numbering in character format?

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Wed Dec 23 13:25:55 PST 2009

obair wrote: 
> I have working numbering in paragraph formats.
> I am trying to put a number in the middle of a sentence in this case.

To reiterate what others have said: only paragraph formats can have
autonumbers, not character formats. 

The only way to put a number in an arbitrary location in the middle of a
sentence is to type the number you want. :-}

But if you're trying to do something like the example you originally
provided, Alan already told you the solution: use run-in heads for the
first autonumber. Maybe a little more information will help. 

When you set a pgf's pagination to Run-In Head, the pgf after it follows
it immediately without a line break. So you'd define two basic pgf

-- Stepnum: A run-in head with numbering set to something like "X:Step
<n+>" (you can make the ", " either part of the autonumber format or the
run-in head default punctuation). Set Next Pgf Tag to Partnum. 

-- Partnum: Regular in-column pagination, with numbering set to
something like "X:< >part <n+>: "

Create a Stepnum pgf, immediately press Enter, and you'll have "Step 1,
part 1: " all on one line (but as two different pgfs), ready for you to
type "Blah..."

As Alan noted, you'll need a second version of each (say, StepnumFirst
and PartnumFirst) that restarts its numbering ("<n=1>" counters). 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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