Importing a Word Doc into Frame v9.0

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Tue Jul 14 00:03:13 PDT 2009

At 15:00 -0700 13/7/09, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

>Alison is absolutely right.  I couldn't say it better.  Don't even
>consider using Frame's Word or RTF import.  Bring in the content as
>plain text by Copy in Word and Paste Special>Text in Frame.  You
>will be very glad you did.

Picking up on this, Jeremy, does the above still apply if you include MIF-washing the results as part of an RTF-based Word import procedure?

Tori makes a good point about the graphics. I have never found an adequate method of dealing with this, so I try if at all possible to get content originators to work outside of Frame's graphics and keep the originals. However, Alan's mail may well be highly significant in this regard.

As always, Word offers innumerable tar-pits for the unwary or naive.


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