Table sorting has accuracy issues

tom.kohn at tom.kohn at
Wed Jun 3 13:27:52 PDT 2009

Hi Listers,

I've been experiencing problems in sorting a table alphabetically, with a 
strong desire to have the sort ignore spaces.

FM 8.0
Windows XP with SP 2

I have a long 1-column table. Each cell has two paragraphs in it:

Gloss term 
Glossary definition.

Some examples that I have found problematic include:

bar code
A system of symbols used to identify data through length, position, size, 
or thickness of lines or symbols. Bar codes are normally read and printed 
by a machine.
An element of a controller window that groups several buttons. Examples: 
function bar, status bar, subsystem bar.

[I prefer "bar" to precede "bar code".]

carriage lock
The latch that prevents the carriage arm from being pulled to the service 
carriage rail
The component of the carriage that has a carriage arm and umbilical 
support. See also carriage arm, umbilical support.
A character in data that forces all following text to the next line.
The module of a printing system that holds a printhead in position over 
the web, provides for printhead movement across the web, provides for 
printhead adjustment of skew, height, and with-stream position, and allows 
cross-stream printhead movement between print position and service 
position. See also print tower.

[I prefer the order to be 
carriage lock
carriage rail

I tried rearranging the index sorting instructions in the reference page, 
without effect on the table sort. I also entered a space in the Ignore 
characters line there.


Any ideas or experience from anybody welcome!

Tom Kohn

p.s. Perhaps as a side issue, perhaps not: 
When I open the file fresh and sort the table, many many items are waaay 
out of order.
If I sort again, the order is good, but still with the problems noted in 
the body of my message.

Thomas G (Tom) Kohn | Technical Editor | GCG WW Versamark Engineering 
Services | 
Eastman Kodak Company | 3000 Research Blvd | Dayton, OH 45420-4003 | 
tom.kohn at | +01 937-259-3210 Office | +01 937-271-1484 Mobile | 
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