Adobe's New Corporate Strategies

Jeremy H. Griffith jeremy at
Fri Apr 23 15:52:02 PDT 2010

Interesting article today in the Silicon Valley Insider:

It's nominally about Adobe's mobile strategy, but applies
to the entire corporate culture and how it has changed.
I really miss Doc Warnock... whose personal love of Frame
was why Adobe bought it.  I wish he'd come back, like Toyoda 
did, to save his company from The Next Generation.

I've been hearing some of the same things via the grapevine
that the columnist has.  This is a key paragraph:

  But within the past few years, Adobe's focus shifted from
  being at the top of its class solely to growing its bottom
  line. Cost-cutting became the company's priority as each
  year brought no less than 10% in staff cuts. Naturally, the
  engineering teams became demoralized as they knew every Q4,
  after they shipped the product they were working on and
  after putting in long hours, their jobs could be shipped out
  as well. The executive team's quality-killing concentration
  on profits started adversely affecting not only the products
  that made Adobe what it is today, but also its design strategy
  and adaptability to the changing industry.

I'm not Adobe-bashing here.  But if they don't wake up
to the consequences of their current policies real soon,
the downward slide may be irreversible.

Paging Doctor Warnock...

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at>

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