Cross-platform CD burning thanks

Wendy McGovern wmcgovern at
Fri Feb 5 05:26:36 PST 2010

Thanks to all the people who replied to my question about burning a
cross-platform CD from the PC. As it turns out, the question was moot-we
burned a CD from a PC and I took it home and tried in on my iMac and it
worked perfectly. It's a MacIntel (newer Macs now have Intel chips) with
OS X Leopard, so I think that's why it recognized the disk when the old
Mac in our office wouldn't.


Since our customer base is vastly PC-oriented anyway, I think most of
the Mac customers will probably have newer machines and we probably
won't have any problems.


Thanks once again!


Wendy McGovern
Publications Editor
Pennsylvania Bar Institute
5080 Ritter Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-6903
1-800-932-4637, ext. 2257
wmcgovern at


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