FM 9 books

Helen Borrie helebor at
Wed Feb 10 21:16:42 PST 2010

At 01:07 PM 11/02/2010, Syed.Hosain at wrote:
>I like the Scriptorium book a lot too.
>My only regret is that [Scriptorium] decided not to publish the "Structured
>FrameMaker" version of it ... I hope that this happens sometime. I would
>gladly buy it!

Me too.  But I don't underestimate the work involved in designing the content for such a book.  I'm sure one of the problems would be that one would have to write two books in one.  On the one hand is the *present* mainstream (DocBook and other monolithic architectures), which are easier for unstructured diehards to grokk, but which can't provide a single content source solution.  On the other are the "coming things" that we (as writers and content developers) can't ignore:  DITA and maybe other granular architectures we haven't seen in public yet. 

I reckon it would need at least two authors and someone to keep bread on their table while they were doing it.  That, of course, means establishing that there would be a sufficiently worthwhile ROI associated with such a project.  


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