Applying Table Straddle Using XML

LW White lwwhite5 at
Thu Mar 18 10:35:42 PDT 2010

Hi Brenda,

You don't mention, but I assume you're using a custom XML tagset? Assuming it uses the CALS table model, the element that "records" the span is called <spanspec>. Sounds like you want something like this:

| head1  | head2  | head3  |
| straddleA       | col3   |
| col1   | col2   | col3   |
| straddleB       | col3   |

The XML for the first row is something like:

<row rowsep = "1">
<entry namest = "1" nameend = "2" colsep = "1">straddleA</entry>
<entry colname = "3"></entry>

Where @namest defines the column where the straddle starts and @nameend defines the column where the straddle ends. In the CALS table model, these attributes are found on the element <spanspec>. will need to define a read/write rule similar to this one:

element "spanspec"
is fm spanspec;
attribute "spanname" is fm property span name;
attribute "namest" is fm property start column name;
attribute "nameend" is fm property end column name;
attribute "align" is fm property cell alignment type;
attribute "charoff" is fm property cell alignment offset;
attribute "char" is fm property cell alignment character;
attribute "colsep" is fm property column ruling;
attribute "rowsep" is fm property row ruling;

that associates @namest and @nameend with the corresponding Frame table property. Then add a spanspec element definition to your DTD. (This particular markup is DITA, but the same elements apply to any tagset using the CALS table model and the process applies to any tagset.)


--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: BGeorge at
To: framers at
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 10:08:09 -0400
Subject: Applying Table Straddle Using XML

I am working in structured FrameMaker. I am importing XML files into FrameMaker templates using an automated process that was created internally.
I am trying to import a table into FrameMaker that has a 3-column straddle in the first row and in the last row. When I import the xml file, the straddle is not being applied the table data. All of the table data is being imported into 3 columns.
How do I mark up the xml so that the straddle will be applied when imported into FrameMaker?
Brenda George
Desk: (724) 720-8491
bgeorge at 		 	   		  
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