Odd Numbering Scenario

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 23 08:39:02 PDT 2010

At 10:02 -0500 23/3/10, Joseph Lorenzini wrote:

>In one of my books it seems to matter and I don't know why. My first appendix starts at "D" instead of "A". Its as if as there's two appendices preceding this first framemaker file but I know there is not. Any ideas on what's going on?

That would be three phantom appendices, then? ;-)

My initial guess - or at least the first thing I'd try to eliminate - would be that in that one book something else is incrementing the 'A' number series as well as the appendices. As David pointed out, though, you can reset this at the book level.


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