FM9, Mif2Go, and Cross-Refs

Martha Lee martha.lee at
Thu May 27 08:16:53 PDT 2010

Hi Jeremy and fellow Frmaers

As Jeremy suggested below,I tried manually importing the template and then
updating the x-refs with the menu. The Figure and Table x-refs display
correctly, with the single number. I then set out to create a one page test
case to send to OmniSys, and guess what, when I strip it down to one page,
the x-refs are updated correctly. Next I tried the whole file, and the
x-refs were in the  correct format. Then I added a second file to the book
file, and the x-refs were incorrect. So if I only have one file in my book
file, doesn't matter which, the x-refs are updated correctly, but if I have
more than one file, the x-refs are not updated correctly. Any suggestions?

By the way, I'm on digest, so please cc me in any response.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy H. Griffith [mailto:jeremy at]
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 7:10 PM
To: framers at
Cc: Martha Lee
Subject: Re: FM9, Mif2Go, and Cross-Refs

On Wed, 26 May 2010 13:45:38 -0400, "Martha Lee" <martha.lee at>

>I recently upgraded to FM9 (as part of Adobe Technical Communications Suite
>2). I also upgraded my version of Mif2Go (package 33). I'm outputting
>OmniHelp. I have a conversion template that I use when generating OmniHelp
>that converts Tables and Figures from a format that contains the chapter
>number and figure number to a format that just has a single number. For
>example, Table 2-1 becomes Table 1, and Figure 3-5 becomes Figure 5. This
>works as it did in my previous versions of FM and Mif2Go.


>But the cross references to these tables and figures do not update
>Cross references to figures keep the N-N format even though the figure no
>longer has that format, and cross references to tables simply disappear. I
>do get a warning during the OmniHelp generation that cross references are
>updating properly. I didn't have this problem with my previous versions of
>FM and Mif2Go, and I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions?

See if the update after the import is working correctly.  We
use an FDK call that should always do that:
  	F_ApiUpdateXRefs(docId, (IntT) (FF_XRUI_EVERYTHING |
And if we get a failure response, we put up an alert dialog.
But it's possible that FM9 broke something there, as it does
in so many other places...  :-(  So check it manually:

1. Make a backup copy of your current chapter files elsewhere.
2. Open the book, and manually import the template.
2. Update all xrefs using the menu command.
4. See if they really changed.  If not, you've found an FM9 bug.
   Consider going to FM8 instead; it actually works.
5. Close Frame and copy your backup files over the ones you changed.

If you see correct updating manually, but not when using Mif2Go,
we'll need a test case, as described in Appendix D:  a one-page
chapter file that shows the problem.  Just trim one of yours
down; it really must be that small for this purpose.  Include
the .fm, .prj, conversion template, all .inis, the MIF (very
important!), and all output files, all in one .zip.  Then we
can diagnose the cause and hopefully fix it, FM9 permitting.

>And if it's relevant, I'm running Windows XP64.

Make sure you installed the conversion DLLs and exes that
normally go into \windows\system32 into \windows\SysWOW64
instead.  We mention this on the download page, but recheck.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at>

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