On a deadline - dotted lines for table inside borders?

Combs, Richard richard.combs at Polycom.com
Fri Oct 15 18:21:32 PDT 2010

Linda G. Gallagher wrote:
> I don't have that option in the Table Designer or in the custom dialog.

In Custom Ruling and Shading, the Apply Ruling Style list doesn't contain an entry called "Dotted"? 

OK, you can create one. 

1) In the Custom Ruling and Shading dialog's Apply Ruling Style list, select None and click Edit Ruling Style. 

2) In the Edit Ruling Style dialog, enter "Dotted" (or any name you want) in the Name box. 

3) Set Pen Pattern to something less than 100% and click Set. 

4) Select some table cells and, in the Edit Ruling Style dialog, apply "Dotted" (or whatever you named it) to some borders. 

5) Evaluate the results. 

If necessary, repeat using a different Pen Pattern setting (and maybe Width) until you like the result. Or at least can live with it. :-) 

HTH, and Happy Weekend!

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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