Linking to folder on network

Simon BUCH simon.buch at
Fri Sep 24 01:58:14 PDT 2010

>From the time I worked in Adobe technical support, there are a number of
recommendations given from the days when FrameMaker was on multiple
platforms, such as:
	avoid filenames with spaces, tabs, or initial periods
	avoid using characters that have special meaning on some
operating systems, such as: / \ : ; * ? > < , $ % |
	avoid using very long filenames
	avoid using very long pathnames
	remember some operating systems are CaSe SeNsItIvE

The most important rule to remember is:
	always use UNIX style pathnames!

Why?  FrameMaker will interpret backslash sequences as special codes,
for example:
will interpret the '\e' as a horizontal elipse "...".  The fix is to
reference: C:/etc/

Even though FrameMaker is no longer multi-platform, the recommendations
still persist.

// Simon BUCH

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