Pgf numbering strangeness

Jim Owens jowens at
Thu Sep 30 06:17:14 PDT 2010

Finding rogue paragraph numbering can be a little less tedious if you 
save as MIF, open the MIF in a text editor, and search for <PgfAutoNum 
Yes> or PgfNumFormat tags.

Fred Ridder wrote:
> . . .
> What Cynthia needs to look for is rogue paragraphs that increment the first counter in the "S:" numbering series, possibly without actually displaying any numbering in the text of the document. Unfortunately, that process can be extremely tedious, particularly if there are a lot of paragraph styles in the catalog or if there are a lot of paragraphs that have overrides since the numbering properties of each of these has to be examined individually. . . 

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