Frame 10 XML/translation question

Scott Turner quills at
Sun Dec 4 07:37:39 PST 2011

Nadine is correct I saying that the transition to XML would be massive, in that you would need to learn XML, create or standardize/accommodate your document styles to a DTD like DocBook. And then create a transformation template to convert your current documents to XML.

It's not impossible, I've done it in two companies.

You do not have to use DITA 

In all it's a big job and the setup and education would take a significant amount of time and effort.

It's not something to do without time to do it.

On Dec 3, 2011, at 20:31, Writer <generic668 at> wrote:
> Wow. Big question. But here's a nutshell kind of answer...
> Yes, you can author in XML in FM 10. DITA XML in particular. You can create PDFs from DITA XML files by saving your ditamaps or bookmaps to FM files, and then create a PDF. Or you can create a PDF from your ditamap if you've been able to format everything as required in your EDD.
> Alternatively, you can use other tools to create PDFs such as DITA Open Toolkit (aka DITA OT) or WebWorks ePublisher. Here's an article from Scriptorium, which is a bit old have advanced since it was written, but it will give you an idea of some of the challenges you face creating PDFs from DITA XML:
> The major issues are that you would have to convert your unstructured FM files to XML. If you create other outputs besides PDFs, you'll need to figure out the best way to do that. Etc...quite a large undertaking.
> A simpler solution would be to find a different translation company that CAN handle your unstructured FM files.
> Nadine
> From: Michael Norton < at>
> To: framers at 
> Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 10:47:26 AM
> Subject: Frame 10 XML/translation question
> Our company will be translating some manuals from English to Japanese. The translation service only accepts HTML and XML input and outputs the result in those same formats. I am currently using Frame 7.2. I understand Frame 10.0 works in XML.
> I realize you can’t give me an absolute answer, but how easy would it be to pull the translated output (in XML format) back into Frame for publishing as PDFs?
> Are there any major issues with taking this approach?
> Thanks.
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