Frame Light, what's the potential market?

Dr Rick Smith rick at
Tue Feb 22 13:14:50 PST 2011

I admit I'm astonished that any software product manager could ask about the market for a "Light" version of their product.

I thought the industry had already proven - time and again - that such things never thrive.

If they want to expand the market for Frame, why not bring back the Mac/Unix versions?

Moreover, they could focus on the benefits Frame carries over the competition, like numbering and cross references that by-golly work, and work reliably. This fills an important niche in tech writing, especially for those of us who don't have the patience to fix such things by hand.

And it would definitely improve my own workflow if I could create a printer-ready PDF directly from Frame, instead of having to re-edit my simple, if numerous, diagrams in Illustrator. But then I wouldn't need to buy a copy of Illustrator. 

I'm a one-man outfit, so I doubt they care what I want.

Rick Smith.

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