decrementing number tags

David Spreadbury dspreadb at
Mon Jan 24 15:37:27 PST 2011

If you don't have any cross-references in the table you could sort the table in reverse order. Keep in mind, most search algorithms work on the ASCII code of the character. After the sort the numbering will come out as 1, 10,11,2,21,3, etc. If you make the numbers all the same length, 01, 02, 03, etc, then they should come out correctly. You could then go back and remove the leading zeroes.

If you do have cross-references, they will have to be remade after the sort.

--- On Mon, 1/24/11, Orly Zimmerman <orlyz at> wrote:

From: Orly Zimmerman <orlyz at>
Subject: decrementing number tags
To: "framers at" <framers at>
Date: Monday, January 24, 2011, 4:03 PM

Hi All,
Any ideas about how to get numbering tags such that the numbers decrement instead of increment?
I tried to use a number property of  <n-> or <n=N-1> - after setting the first in the series to 31
I need this because I want to create a table column with numbers starting from 31 going down to 0 to describe error messages.
Any ideas will be appreciated.

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