FrameMaker and ClearCase

Lizak, Samantha samantha_lizak at
Tue Jul 26 08:48:52 PDT 2011

Hi Emelita-

We looked at it, but FM files are binaries.  The repository gets huge very quickly. Also, even if you store MIF instead, you still can't get any of the usual ClearCase benefits of merging or doc comparison, because MIFs (at least in older versions; this was FM6) do not preserve where the line ends and the internal marker IDs change every time you update.  It took up a lot of memory and there really wasn't much we could do with it other than get out archived copies (and that wasn't very easy).  Incidentally, this problem applies with every source control system we've looked at; it isn't just ClearCase.

The one advantage would be if your employer is using the entire Rational system and wants to tie specific versions to completed requirements in another part of the suite. Still a lot of memory consumption, though.

On this vein, back in the 90s there was a product called  Canterbury from Chrystal Software designed to do source control and versioning specifically for FrameMaker.  Anyone know what became of it?


From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Emelita Shishido
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 7:38 PM
To: framers at
Subject: FrameMaker and ClearCase

I wanted to know if anyone has used ClearCase for versioning their Frame files?

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