Is SGML Output from FM9 Possible?

Michael Johnson k7rvx at
Wed Jun 1 09:12:42 PDT 2011

Hi Folks,
I've used FM9 for unstructured docs for about 2 years. I am just an average FM user but I've used it enough to know I want to keep using It if at all possible.  It appears that structured docs are on the near horizon and approaching fast.  I'm trying my best to get ready.
The boss tells me the customer needs/wants/demands SGML files.  Not XML.  This is a government customer, and the SGML part is non-negotiable. 
I know that FM9 produces structured documents and that it outputs XML files when called upon to do so.
Will FM9 also output SGML???  I know FM6  and some earlier versions will do that, but I'm wondering about FM9 because that's what we're using currently.
Thanks in Avance!
Mike Johnson
Syracuse, UT.
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