Wondering about Ghost Fonts & Odd Replacements

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk
Wed Jun 8 12:17:07 PDT 2011

At 11:32 -0700 7/6/11, Karen Robbins wrote:

>Why does FrameMaker believe that fonts are missing when neither Frame's own search nor Paragraph Tools can find any instance of those fonts? They aren't in the master or reference pages (that I can find). I know these ghost fonts should not be there, because I built the file and stripped all the text before importing it.

Font declarations can hide in odd and sometimes invisible places, such as table formats you aren't using, which cannot be searched unless they are instantiated.

Try saving a copy of your document to MIF and searching that for the Ps name of the problem font. That might reveal where it's lurking.

>What about this console message: 'The "Adobe Garamond Pro Bold" Font is not available. It will be replaced by "Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Bold".'?


> Although I'm a Mac person, I have learned that in Windows the bold style is applied to the roman font even though the bold font is installed.

In Word maybe, but surely not in FrameMaker? FrameMaker has always been anally retentive about fonts.

As you are discovering.

> But I am not aware of any font with "Bold Bold" in its name.
>I can turn off remember missing font names, but I'm curious.

So would I be, in this instance. Maybe a font expert can shed more light on it.


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