Footnotes in tables

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Thu May 5 22:21:12 PDT 2011

Garnier Garnier wrote:
> I have received framemaker files that I am expected to modify. I
> noticed that the doc includes many tables and most of the tables have
> repetitive footnotes which extends to the next page. Then immediately
> below the footnotes a new section starts. Is this not wrong?  I think
> the very concept of footnotes is lost when they continue on the next
> page. Should not the footnotes be restricted to the foot of the page
> than continuing to the next page?
> Any ideas how it can be tackled without upsetting the customer who feel
> there is nothing wrong if the footnotes extend to next page or that a
> new section starts just below the footnotes.  Please share your ideas
> and help me resolve the issue.

This is normal behavior for table footnotes. They're intended to appear not at the bottom of the page (like footnotes to the body text), but at the bottom of the table. Therefore, if the table ends too near the bottom of the page for the table footnotes to fit, they flow to the next page. 

I don't care for it either (but fortunately don't often have to deal with table footnotes). So when it occurs, I try to play with page breaks preceding the table. I either move the table up so the table footnotes fit below it or move it down, pushing several rows of the table to the next page along with the table footnotes. 

In any case, it's perfectly normal and proper for the next section heading to appear immediately after table footnotes. Think of the table footnotes as an integral part of the table. 

And finally, don't upset your customer. The customer is always right. :-) 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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