Text Insets with Frame10

Robert Lauriston robert at lauriston.com
Thu Apr 12 12:08:16 PDT 2012

How big are the individual insets and how much variation is there among manuals?

Will the individual customers' manuals need to be updated or are they one-offs?

Not counting third-party add-ons, there are at least three ways to
handle such variations:

1. conditional text (much more flexible in recent releases)

2. text insets (i.e. File > Import > FIle > Import by Reference

3. assemble a set of modular .fm files into different books (an .fm
file DOES NOT have to correspond to a chapter)

You can also use a combination of the three.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Thomas Scalise
<Thomas.Scalise at crossmatch.com> wrote:
> I am using Frame10 v10.0.2.419 on Windows 7.
> I am trying to evaluate the use of text insets in a manual. The manual describes software that contains a number of individual features that can be combined as required for a particular customer. Has anyone used text insets with unstructured Frame? The discussion of insets in the Frame help (an oxymoron at best) is pathetic. I suspect that insets may be helpful to me and save me time with updates, which occur regularly. I would appreciate any insights you can give.  Is there a source of information about how best to use insets in Frame?

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