Indexing a book of books?

Harding, Daniel B dharding at
Tue Jan 17 12:25:22 PST 2012

For the first time I'm needing to have "books within a book" and I'm having a bit of a logical disconnect. What we ultimately want is 3 separate books with a single index that spans all 3 voumes.

We want to differentiate the volumes in the master index such that all entries from the first volume are preceded by "A-", the second by "B-", and "C-" for the third.

I've set up a .book for each volume, containing the chapters for each sub-book. Then I've created a master .book file that has in it the three .book files, along with a generated index file at that master book level.

I've set the page numbering for all files to "Read from file".

I've gone in and edited the <$volnum> variable in each of the individual .fm files and made them A, B, and C. Then on the reference page of the master index file, I edited the IndexIX entry to read <$autorange><$volnum>-<$pagenum> assuming that it would pull the volume number of the .fm file being read.

Apparently this isn't the way to go about it, as it's not working. I just get 1-xx for all page numbers.

Thanks in advance.

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