stability WAS: FYI: Deal for upgrading from FM7.x to FM10 ends June 15

Syed Zaeem Hosain ( Syed.Hosain at
Fri Jun 15 21:48:00 PDT 2012

I am using FM 10 on a Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit laptop system (also with 8 GB of RAM) and do not have any issues. Of course, it runs as a 32 bit application even though the OS is 64 bit.

So, I would definitely agree with FM 10 being more stable compared to FM 7.2, 8 or 9.  All those others had occasional funny behavior and crashes - with FM10, it is *very* rare to see any crash issues.

As an entirely separate point, FWIW, I still don't like the new UI in the recent versions of FM (that Adobe seems to have standardized in their other tools too), but have become a bit used to it now ... albeit still with a heavy sigh.


> Actually, I haven't found FM10 stability to be a problem with Win7, 8 GB, 64bit. I'd say it's better than FM7.
> Craig

>> We upgraded from FM 7.x to 10 earlier this year (unstructured). I like a lot of the new features, but we do see quite a few crashes. I have also gotten "out of memory" errors when dealing with large books (and I'm on a Win7 VM with 4GB RAM). 

>> If you're stable and happy, there is no "burning platform". An Adobe support person actually said to me (during my first FM10 support case) "Oh, version
>> 7 was much more stable." >.<

>> Doris E. Pavlichek
>> Dpavlichek62 at

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