Saving Frame 10 files in batch to Frame 7

de Rouck, Tom (Gent) Tom.deRouck at
Wed Jun 27 05:13:19 PDT 2012

Dear Framers,

Framemaker 10 + Framemaker 7.2 + Framescript 5.2R1p248

Am I correct that for saving Framemaker 10 files to Framemaker 7, in batch, I need to pass by MIF7, right?

In Framemaker 10, I have a script that saves all my Framemaker 10 files from a book to MIF7.
In Framemaker 7.2, I then use another script to save a folder of MIFs to FM7. I then get a lot of opcode errors in the console:

(13362): Invalid opcode: XRefSrcElemNonUniqueId.
--- Skipping these characters:> ---------- Done skipping.MIF: "C:\temp\xxx.mif" (13363): Invalid opcode: XRefAltText.
--- Skipping these characters:> ---------- Done skipping.MIF: "C:\temp\xxx.mif" (13364): Invalid opcode: XRefApiClient.
--- Skipping these characters:< XRefClientName > < XRefClientType > > ---------- Done skipping.MIF: "C:\temp\xxx.mif"

The files then open with Framemaker 7 but links between different documents of the same book do not work any more.

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance,

Tom De Rouck
SGS Documentation Services
Junior Project Manager

SGS Belgium NV
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B-9051 - Gent
E-mail :   tom.derouck at<mailto:tom.derouck at>

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