FM 10 Copy/Paste sometimes not keeping tags

Ginger Swart ginger.swart at
Thu Sep 27 09:13:16 PDT 2012

I just recently made the move to FM10 from FM8. I'm working with three large book files, each was originally created in FM7 and have been moved up to FM8 and now FM10. The issue I'm having is with copy and pasting. Sometimes when I copy and paste something, for example a bulleted paragraph with some bold text, Frame will just paste it all as body text with none of my assigned paragraph and character tags. Other times it works just fine. Normally I use Ctrl + C and Ctrl+ P, but I've had the issue when I use the drop down menus as well. I see the issue with both copy and pasting within the same document, and copy and pasting from one document into another one in a different book file. I've also had the issue when copy and pasting anchored frames. With that I will sometimes just get the nothing to paste error message.

Has anyone else had this issue?
I did have someone recommend that I save as mif and reopen. If I do that, do I save the whole book as mif, or each file within the book?


Ginger Swart
Electronic Theatre Controls
Technical Commmunications Specialist
ginger.swart at<mailto:ginger.swart at>

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